Monday 11 August 2014

First Post

Hi World!

Before I jump into things, I'd like to highlight an inherent risk: there is a high likelihood that this blog will be abandoned at a moment's notice, neglected, and then returned to six months down the track to be deleted forever.

I say this because it has happened before.

I spend 2012 travelling the world. I haven't fully run the statistics but in something like 8 months I travelled 4 continents (Asia, Europe, North America and if you count it as a continent, Australia), countless cities and countries, and had the time of my life. There are 10^x different stories coming out of that trip and one of my only regrets is that I was so immersed in the trip that I neglected to update my blog - so the stories exist in my head, the photos and videos I have shown , and in the memories of the friends I made overseas.

I digress. The point of the above is to demonstrate that there is a serious risk that, should you choose to read this blog, you may find yourself waiting for an update hungrily while I am too busy living life to the yolo'ist (sorry, but it seemed necessary to drop the Y-bomb in there)!

Now to get to the point.

My name is Adam (James) Geoghegan. I am 23. I am a dual Australian and British citizen. I am currently a Consultant at a large consulting company (FYI - all views on this blog and otherwise). I thoroughly enjoy my job, which involves (in the simplest explanation) working with important people at large companies to fix the company's problems and optimise the way they do business, which, in turn, makes the economy better and puts some money in my bank account. I also learn a lot from my job.

I love to travel. I love to eat. I love music. I love sex. I love new experiences, and I live life like it is an adventure novel that could end every time you turn the page.

Aside from my day job, I have a bunch of awesome friends, a good family and a huge range of hobbies and interests that distract and gratify me.

I am a terrible sleeper and am prone to distraction easily. I can be anxious.

I am possibly insane and also quite possibly a genius. I like to think big. I love ending a late night with friends back at someone's pad or a small bar discussing philosophical concepts like economics or politics or even a step deeper - religion, the origins and future of the universe, etc.

Enough. Lets get to the point of this blog:

Do yourself a massive favour and Google "Oculus Rift" or "Introduction to the Oculus Rift". Read a little about what this headset does and if you are interested, continue reading, as the purpose of this blog is to cover my journey from small town 23 year old company man into something much greater.

Because in my view, the Oculus Rift is so much more than a gaming device.

It represents the opportunity to do something that men and women have wanted to do since existence.

It represents the opportunity to create a new universe.

Thor, God of Thunder? What a douche!
Wait for my next post.

- AG

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