Sunday 12 July 2015

The future for Western Australia's virtual reality scene, and a brief lesson on strategy.

It's been 12 months since I last posted here, so there's a lot to cover.

As predicted, I neglected the blog and have failed to provide the weekly updates promised to you all. For that I apologise and can only say that I promise it won't happen again.

So where are things with me?

First things first:

Immersia Virtual Reality is now an ASIC-registered, fully operational business, with it's own vision, strategy, employees and clients. You can check out our online presence at,, or our website (long overdue an update and facelift) at

I've also launched WAVR, acronym for Western Australian Virtual Reality Association.

Our first meeting is this Tuesday at 7pm at Bob's Bar in Perth (rooftop bar near the BHP Billiton tower) and I encourage all of you to attend if you are interested in virtual reality.

Here I run the risk of going offtrack, so I'll briefly discuss WAVR before getting back to Immersia.

The goal of WAVR is to make Western Australia's Virtual Reality community as strong as can be. After reaching out to my network and pitching at certain events, such as Spacecub3d, I found that a number of similar businesses to Immersia (such as Jupitech) actually exist in Perth, and there is so much potential for this fragmented market to form synergies and build an incredible community. We can host regular meetings, discussing the latest news and issues surrounding VR, training (Virtual Reality 101) and industry roadshows, including visits to universities.

Now let's return to Immersia.

I've actually taken a step back and had a look at what Immersia can truly be, and I think Immersia Enterprises Pty Ltd can be so much more than just a technology company 100% invested in VR. Long story short, I would prefer to invest in people and innovative ideas, and have the ability to play in several markets (currently looking into such concepts as starting up a record label, an events management company and a self managed superannuation fund, if the opportunities and people we invest in show enough potential).

Having said that, this blog is focussed on VR, so I will return to Immersia Virtual Reality.

What have we been up to at ImmersiaVR?

Lots of things.

I have 2 strategies to potentially turn this into a multi-bmillion(?) dollar company and I am currently executing both:

Strategy 1:

Build an extremely capable team in Perth, travel to investors, obtain investment, and commence operations. I've actually been unknowingly executing this strategy since I launched the company last year, hence the creation of a social media presence (,,, Instagram: ImmersiaVR a Linkedin company page and this blog). There is additional information that I could include here, relating to the concept of Hacker Houses, recruiting university students, crowd sourcing, and pitching to my networks overseas, but I'd prefer to go into more detail surrounding these actions another time.

Strategy 2:

Personally build an application in virtual reality (develop internal capability), launch on the Oculus Store, and market myself as a VR expert. This approach requires a significantly higher investment of my own time, as I have to teach myself how to use the tools behind VR apps (for example Unity or Unreal Engine) and re-learn the basic coding skills that I was taught during my engineering and computer science days. Having said that, there is one significant advantage to this approach: no matter how bad the final product performs on the Oculus Store, I will always be able to say that I built something from nothing in virtual reality. As such, when I am leading teams of technical experts, it should prove inspiring to even the freshest of recruits that their leader was once in her shoes. As such you can expect Immersia VR's first application (currently an African safari simulation) to be released on the 1st of August 2015.

So there you have it: Strategy 101.

Current state: Perth's VR scene could use a serious boost, and Immersia VR, while an incredible concept, needs to focus on delivering it's first product (release date 1 August 2015) while I go about building what I hope will be one of the largest virtual reality software development companies in the world. Target state: one of the strongest virtual reality communities in the world (and based out of the most isolated city in the world), and one of the largest application development companies on the planet.

I hope you enjoyed the read - it's great to be back online!

As always, if you would like to reach out to me, WAVR or Immersia please find contact details below:

Western Australian Virtual Reality Association or Immersia Virtual Reality:

Email, or visit, or Twitter/Instagram @ImmersiaVR.

Me: Twitter: @AdamJGeoghegan, Instagram @AdamJamesGeoghegan, or

Thanks as always for your time and I look forward to meeting Perth's VR community at 7pm on Tuesday at Bob's Bar!
